The Marble Queen Pothos is famous for the marbled variegation on its smooth leathery leaves. This Stunning, regal plant will enhance any area you place it in. Learn all about the Marble Queen Pothos care, training, lighting needs and more in this post.
Marble Queen leaves are prized for their characteristic streaks of creamy white variegation occurring in random on its leaves.
Marble Queen variegation is unique on every leaf. Each one expresses its green and cream streaked pattern differently. Which makes every Pothos Marble Queen a wonderfully interesting and attractive addition to your plant collection.
Marble Queen are easily confused with the Snow Queen Pothos. They look remarkably similar and are closely related. The marble queen is much more common so you’ll be more likely to find it in a shop.
To tell the marble queen and snow queen apart look at the brightness of the plants. Snow Queen Pothos has whiter variations usually but otherwise they are nearly identical.
The Queen grows, like all Pothos, from trailing vines. It is easy to grow in a hanging basket, train up a moss pole, or trim the queen as a table or shelf plant. As you wish.

What are the Benefits of Marble Queen Pothos As Houseplants?
Reasons Why the Marble Queen Pothos makes an excellent houseplant.
- Marble Queen Pothos care is famously easy. This plant endures quite a bit and then tells you it has stress. It responds well when you fix the problem (unless you let it go too far).
- You can place the versatile Marble Queen in hangers, on tables, or shelves. You can even place it low and let it grow up a pole or trellis.
- This plant tolerates a huge range of light. UNLESS you want premium variegation. Moderate to bright indirect light are a must to bring out the marbled color variations.
- The marble queen is undemanding, durable and highly attractive.
- This Pothos plant is easily propagated in either water or soil by stem cuttings.
- The marble queen Pothos filters harmful Benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, and carbon monoxide chemicals like out of the air in your home. NASA recommends two or three filtering plants like pothos in 8 to 10-inch pots for every 100 square feet.
- Emotionally, all plants you love and nurture in your home offer positive vibes. It’s true. Read our article on why houseplant are beneficial to people here.
Is Marble Queen Devils Ivy?
Marble Queen Pothos and all Pothos are known as Devils Ivy in Tropical climates. This may impact your choice of this plant if you live in a tropical climate like Hawaii or Florida.
Marble Queen and all Pothos vines are VERY invasive if planted outdoors in tropical climates uncontrolled. They grow and spread at alarming rates in favorable conditions. Pothos climb trees and covers forests. The very durability and resilience we treasure in Pothos as an indoor plant turns them into Devils if they get loose outdoors in the tropics.
We highly recommend you keep this plant in your home or planted in containers on outdoor patios.
Pothos are also mildly to moderately toxic to human and pets. They won’t kill you. But they can cause skin and stomach trouble. We have more on this at the end of the post.

Is The Marble Queen A Slow Grower?
A Marble Queen Pothos does grow more slowly than a solidly green Pothos. The more variegated a Marble Queen is the slower the growth due to its reduced abilities to photosynthesize.
However, the Marble Queen grows about a foot a month in optimal conditions indoors. That is not slow growing for a houseplant.
If you trim the plant to grow more fully, the marble Queen will quickly fill whatever area you want to place it in.
If your Marble Queen Pothos care practices are good and the light and other conditions are optimal your plant should grow well for you.
How Much Light Does A Marble Queen Pothos Need?
A Marble Queen Pothos needs 12 or more hours of bright indirect light to encourage its best colors. But it will tolerate lower light quite well. It will however, be much greener.
Marble queens have higher light needs than a solid green plant. The white streaked areas on the leaves cannot photosynthesize. So the plant needs more intense, but indirect light to feed the green portions of the leaves.
Does Marble Queen Revert To Green?
Marble Queens do sometimes revert. Reverting means the plant loses its variegation completely and grows only solid green on its leaves. Marble Queens revert, fully or in part , when the light is too low and when mutated cells decline in the plant.
Why Does Marble Queen Pothos Revert?
Reverting occurs if a Marble queen has insufficient light to photosynthesize. It will revert to green leaves since they produce chlorophyll. The white streaks have no chlorophyll and cannot photosynthesize.
Marble Queen Chimeric Variegations (and why it matters):
Marble Queen Pothos expresses Chimeric variegation. Chimeric mutations are genetic mutations in the plant cell that causes some plant cells to grow that cannot photosynthesize. These cells grow right along with the normal cells that do produce chlorophyll on the plant leaves and stems.
Our goal is to encourage more of these chimerically mutated cells. But chimeric variegations are a genetic mistake. The plant is working to fix this problem so it will send out green shoots sometimes rather than variegations.
Solid green growth works better to feed the plant. Our goal is to keep Marble Queen happy with those chimeric variegations still on the leaves.
If we give the The Queen more light, it can feed itself just fine with those genetic mistakes in place. However, sometimes the plant will send out solid green stems and shoots anyway. Solid green leaves have NO chimeric cells and never produce variegations.

How Do You Keep Marble Queen From Reverting?
As part of your Marble Queen Pothos Care do these Two things to stop a Marble Queen from reverting. Some plants will revert anyway, but often you can retain and encourage more variegation with these tips.
To Prevent or Correct Reverting Give Your Marble Queen More Light and Prune off Solid Green leaves and stems:
Tips to Prevent Marble Queen Reverting:
- Variegated leaves show more green over time and white streaks fade away when the light is too low.
- Brighter light will allow the green plant cells to photosynthesize enough that the variegated places on the leaves will increase and brighten.
- Full bright INDIRECT light all day(12 hours or more) will encourage variegation to increase to its fullest. Use a grow light if necessary to get it through the dark months of the year and retain those white cells.
- However, Keep Marble Queen AWAY from strong direct light or the leaves will burn. You will see brown spots on them and the leaf color can bleach out.
- Reverting also happens when the plants new growth comes on solid green. If you allow the plant to grow new solid green stems and leaves, eventually all the variegation will be lost.
- This can happen even in prime lighting conditions since it is a genetic coding issue the plant is trying to fix.
- To keep the plant variegated you must prune off ALL the solid green growth the plant sends out. Prune the solid green leaves and stems off all the way back to the soil line. This will force the mutated parts of the plant to grow with those white streaks on the leaves.

How Do you Make A Marble Queen More White?
As a Marble Queen ages it will produce more variegation with proper care and encouragement. Variegation on a marble queen increases with bright indirect light for 12 or more hours a day and judicious pruning of solid green parts.
However, the variegations themselves are more creamy than white. The Snow Queen Pothos is a whiter variegation.
Some people think the Snow queen And Marble Queen are the same plant. They are at least very close relatives.
If you want an extremely white variegated Marble Queen Pothos the Snow Queen is a good choice. Look Here On Etsy to see how much alike these two plants are.

More Variegated Pothos To Love:
There are many varieties of Pothos with different types of variegations. Here are three of our favorites.

Check out Etsy to find all the different varieties of Pothos vines.
Training and Growth habits:
The Marble Queen grows by sending out trailing vines.
- If you want a long running vine just let it grow. It will trail 8 to 10 feet as a houseplant.
- To make a fuller plant trim the trailers to force new vines to grow from the leaf nodes.
- A Trimmed up Pothos can sit on a table or shelf.
- You can also stake the queen and grow it vertically on a moss Pole or trellis if you so desire. It’s a very versatile plant.
- The marble queen will happily grow as a hanging basket.
Is Marble Queen Pothos A Hanging Plant?
Marble Queen Pothos are ideal for planting as hanging plants since they love to trail. Place the Marble Queen in an Indirect brightly lit window. Or better yet hang this beauty in a corner window on the NE or SE. Use window shades to protect it from strong direct light and heat if necessary.
Tips for Growing Marble Queen in Hanging Planters:
- Use a pot with good drainage and a DEEP drain plate.
- Use a well draining soil with some peat added to help hold water and add oxygenation to the roots.
- Hanging plants dry out fast since they are in warmer dryer air. Check for water at least weekly.
- Bottom water into the drain plate so the soil will soak up water and encourage the plant roots to grow down deep into the soil.
- Occasionally take the planter down and give your Queen a thorough soaking. This will flush out salts accumulating in the soil. Let the planter drain completely before rehanging the pot.
- While you have the plant down wash the leaves to hydrate the plant, remove dust and oils that will accumulate on the leaves, and remove any pests.
- Mist a hanging Marble Queen every few days to provide humidity or set a humidifier nearby if humidity is under 40%.
- Turn the planter toward the light every time you water so the plant gets even lighting. This is especially important for best variegation.
- Place your hanging Marble Queen well out of reach of pets and children. This plant is toxic to people and pets if chewed.
- Hang Marble Queen out of extreme temperatures and drafty areas.

Marble Queen Pothos Care Guide:
Marble Queen Pothos Care will determine much about how it grows. And how fast. Overall, Pothos are extremely tough plants. They are famous for withstanding low light, neglect and low quality soil.
Quick Marble Queen Care and Information Guide:
Familiar Names: | Marble Queen, Marble Queen Pothos |
Scientific Name: | Epipremnum aureum |
Plant Family: | Araceae |
Care Difficulty: | Easy |
Temperature: | 65 to 85 degrees F. |
Watering: | Water when the soil is dry down to the root zone. Soak and drain well. |
Soil: | Plant in light, friable, well draining soil mix of potting mix and perlite. OR these plants grow well in LECA. Read our Post Series on Growing Plants in LECA. |
Lighting: | moderate to bright Indirect light |
Growth: | Pothos grow as trailing vines. Train upward on pole, use as hanging basket, shelf or table plant. |
Signs of Stress On Marble Queen:
The Marble Queen will survive through poor conditions. However, the Queen will show signs of stress if poor conditions persist.
Here are the most likely signs of Stress You will see on your Marble Queen when it has a problem and solutions.
Marble Queen Plant Stress SIGNS: | Likely Problem causing Stress And Solutions: |
Why Is Marble Queen Turning Yellow? | Overwatering and Pests-Read 7 Reasons Your Plant Has Yellowing Leaves for more on why plant leaves turn yellow. |
Why Is Marble Queen Turning Brown? | -Under watering will cause brown leaf tips. Read Our Watering Guide. -low humidity causes leaf tips and edges to brown. Misting, humidifiers -Over fertiliizing can burn leaves. Read Our Guide on fertilizing here |
Why Is Marble Queen Turning Green? | Marble Queens can revert to green. -Increase lighting and prune off solid green growth. |
Why Is Marble Queen wilting? | -Wilting indicates root rot. Read How to Fix root rot here. -An extremely dry plant can also wilt. Hopefully watering will revive it. |
Why Is Marble Queen not growing? | -Root Bind inhibits growth. -New propagations take a while to show new growth. -Poor care conditions and resulting stress stop growth. |
Below is our printable guide to the Marble Queen Pothos care. This guide is printable and covers all the things you need to know to grow a happy stress free Marble Queen Pothos .
Marble Queen Pothos-Epipremnum aureum

Marble Queen Pothos vines have only a few basic requirements to remain a happy durable plant.
This lovely vine is a perfect beginner houseplant.
Marble Queen Soil Preference:
- This aroid requires a light soil.
- A mix of potting soil and perlite will keep the roots happiest.
- Our mix for this pothos is 40 % potting mix to 60% perlite.
- A heavy soil potting mix is not recommended for aroids.
Best Pot Size and Type for marble Queen Pothos:
- Pothos vines can be grown in relatively small pots since they are fairly slow growers.
- If you want to encourage faster growth choose a pot about 2 inches wider in diameter than the current pot.
- Any well drained pot can be used. It MUST have drainage.
- Repot every second year or when roots come out the drainage holes on the pot bottom To the next pot size up.
- Don't jump to a huge pot from a small one unless you wish to encourage faster growth. Just go to the next size up pot.
Ideal Lighting for Marble Queen Pothos:
- The pothos vines enjoy indirect or dappled light.
It will tolerate lower indirect light it if has some brighter moments in the day. - The variegated Marble queen requires more light than the solid green pothos to show off her colors best.
- Some filtered sunlight from a window will be appreciated.
- Shield this aroid from strong direct light in summer south and west sunny windows. The leaves will burn.
- Tip: Window sheers or blinds can offset some brief periods of high direct light.
How to Water Marble Queen:
- Water your Epipremnum Aureum when the soil is dry down an inch or so. Aroids do not like to be overly wet. Try a watering schedule of every other week.
- Watering is best done on a regular schedule so the plant is not over or under watered. Both can cause stress on the plant.
- This tropical plant enjoys humidity. In dry climates this Pothos will thrive with a humidifier nearby. or set it in your kitchen or bathroom. For a really dry climate frequent misting will help.
- In dormant winter months reduce watering to when the soil is dry down halfway .
- Never let the Marble Queen get wet feet. If the soil is compacted the bottom of the soil can remain wet which encourages root rot and fungus gnats. If you see yellow leaves on pothos you are probably overwatering.
Marble Queen Fertilizer guide:
- Marble Queens enjoy a good quality fertilizer (linked in materials) applied monthly through Spring and summer.
- Decrease feedings by late Fall and allow the pothos to rest through the winter months.
- Look for brown spots on the leaves of your plants. This may indicate an over concentration of salts in the roots from over feeding. It can burn the leaves.
Best Temperatures For Marble Queen Pothos:
- Keep pothos at a low of 65 Degrees F. to upward of 85 Degrees F. It enjoys warmth and humidity.
Pruning and Training a Marble Queen:
- Pruning will give you a fuller plant with more even growth. Unpruned Devils ivy will trail.
- Sharp Hand pruners are preferred for pruning. They will give a clean cut that will heal quickly.
Marble Queen Pothos as Table Top or Shelf Plants:
- It’s easy to prune and shape these plants to whatever length and fullness you desire.
- As a table top plant cut the trailers back evenly all around the pot. If you want the pot fuller add more starts of the neon.
Pests that Bother a Marble Queen
- Marble Queen Pothos is not fussy and resists pests. However all plants can get attacked by pests.
- Stress by longterm overwatering, poor light, extreme temperatures and soil conditions are contributors to plant stress..
- Spider mites, mealy bugs, scale, thrips and whitefly are the most common houseplant pests you will see.
- Read our post on How to get rid of aphids and other pests with our homemade pesticide soap recipe or neems oil.
- To minimize the possibility of pests be sure to check all nursery plants before bringing them home.
- Quarantine all new plants until you are sure no pests live in them.
How to Propagate:
- Propagation is easily done through leaf node stem cuttings. Read our Post on How to Propagate Pothos for all the details
- You need a 3 to 6 inch leaf stem with a couple of nodes and healthy growth.
- Place the node into a jar with water. Use tap water that has settled 24 hours in the jar to dissipate chemicals harmful to the neon.
- Set the jar in a well lit area.
- After several weeks roots will grow. Allow the roots to get an inch or more in length.
- Plant gently and firmly into pot with proper soil mix.
- Make sure to keep the soil moist until the roots begin to set into the soil.
watch our video below for more on Marble Queen pothos .
How Do You Propagate Marble Queen Pothos?
Marble Queen Pothos is easily propagated in water or soil. While both methods work, Water Propagation is the quickest method. New roots sprout in 7 to 14 days and can be planted into soil or LECA when they are about 2 inches long.
Pothos grow easily semi hydroponically, hydroponically or in soil. These are very versatile plants.
Read our complete guide to Pothos Propagation here.
Are Marble Queen Pothos Toxic?
Marble Queen Pothos are toxic to humans and pets. Keep your marble queen away from cats, dogs and kids.
To Pets:
- The Pothos plant (devils Ivy) is listed as toxic to cats and dogs by the ASPCA. Insoluble raphides.
- Please ensure the plant parts are not chewed by pets.
- Symptoms may include oral irritation, vomiting, and difficulty in swallowing.
To Humans:
- Pothos also contain Calcium oxalate which can be mildly toxic to humans as well.
- Possible side effects from the consumption of E. aureum are atopic dermatitis (eczema).
- Burning and/or swelling of the region inside of and surrounding the mouth.
- Excessive contact with the plant can also lead to general skin irritation or contact dermatitis.
Visit our complete guide on all Pothos care and information.
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