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Arrowhead Plant Care

Arrowhead plants (Syngonium Podophyllum) are an aroid native to central and South America. This vine, like so many other tropical aroids, is an easy care epiphyte.

It crawls, creeps and climbs about in its natural habitat with long arial roots.

As a houseplant, It does well in group plantings. It also thrives as a hanging basket, table top plant, or trained up a moss pole or trellis.

This versatile plant is available in several color variations. If you love them, start a collection. So many to choose from. 🙂

They are also toxic to pets and kids when chewed or eaten. So keep them away from vulnerable housemates.

Syngoniums do a great job of filtering some toxins out of the air we breathe in our households.

arrowhead plant
syngonium podophyllum comes in many colors

Like Pothos, philodendrons, and monsteras, Arrowhead plants are one of the best plants for a beginner plant parent. If you are looking for a good gift for a budding plant hobbiest you can’t go wrong with syngonium Podopyllums.

Shop Syngonium Varieties On Etsy

arrowhead plant
Look on Etsy for Syngonium Varieties

Arrowhead Plant Care:

Since these plants are easy care they will tolerate some neglect. However, if you tend to kill your plant with kindness, pay attention.

I also love to mother my plants. I did kill my arrowhead plant after overwatering it…and letting it sit in heavy wet soil for months… and then overwatering it again. For like a year.

This is the perfect path to root rot. Syngoniums are not invincible. Yep, the roots on my arrowhead plant did rot right off finally. I learned my lesson. 🙁

Arrowhead plant propagation is also extremely simple. Take a cutting and plant it directly in moist, rich, well drained soil. In about a month it will start new top growth.

OR put the cutting in water. Let it form water roots for several weeks. Then pot it in soil. Syngoniums are Very similar to pothos in this way too. I’ll link our pothos propagation video into the plant care guide for you.

arrowhead plant
Syngoniums come in several lovely color variations. The care needs are very similar for all of them.

Overwatering, over fertilizing, and too much sun are things you can do to make syngonium unhappy. Read our care guide below for all the tips on successfully growing these beauties.

With proper care these lovely plants will reward you with glorious foliage for years and years.

Yield: Printable Care Guide

Arrowhead Plant Care guide

Arrowhead plants (Syngonium Podophyllum) are an aroid native to central and South America. This vine, like so many other tropical aroids, is an epiphyte.

Arrowhead plants have only a few basic requirements to remain a happy durable plant.

This lovely vine is a perfect beginner houseplant.

Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Difficulty easy


Soil Preference:

  1. This aroid requires a light soil.
  2. A mix of potting soil and perlite will keep the roots happiest.
  3. Our mix for syngoniums is 70 % potting mix to 30% perlite.
  4. A heavy soil potting mix is not recommended for aroid plants.

Pot Size and Type:

  1. Arrowhead vines can be grown in relatively small pot since they are fairly slow growers.
  2. If you want to encourage faster growth choose a pot about 2 inches wider in diameter than the current pot.
  3. Any well drained pot can be used. It MUST have drainage.arrowhead plant
  4. Repot every second year or when roots come out the drainage holes on the pot bottom To the next pot size up.
  5. Don't jump to a huge pot from a small one unless you wish to encourage faster growth. Just go to the next size up pot.


  1. Arrowhead plants enjoy indirect or dappled light.
    It will tolerate lower indirect light it if has some brighter moments in the day.
  2. Variegated arrowhead varieties require more light to bring out the variegation in the leaves to best advantage.
  3. Some filtered sunlight from a window will be appreciated.
  4. Shield this aroid from strong direct light in summer south and west sunny windows. The leaves will burn.
  5. Tip: Window sheers or blinds can offset some brief periods of high direct light.


  1. Water your arrowhead when the soil is dry down an inch or so. Aroids do not like to be overly wet. Try a watering schedule of every other week.
  1. Watering is best done on a regular schedule so the plant is not over or under watered. Both can cause stress on the plant.
  2. When in doubt use a moisture meter. Do not overwater.
  3. This tropical plant enjoys humidity. In dry climates it will thrive with a humidifier nearby. or set it in your kitchen or bathroom. For a really dry climate frequent misting will help.
  4. In dormant winter months reduce watering to when the soil is dry down halfway .
  5. Never let this plant get wet feet. If the soil is compacted the bottom of the soil can remain wet which encourages root rot and fungus gnats. If you see yellow leaves on syngoniums you are probably overwatering.

How to Fertilize:

  1. Apply a good quality balanced fertilizer (linked in materials) monthly through Spring and summer.
  2. Decrease feedings by late Fall and allow your plant to rest through the winter months.
  3. Look for brown spots on the leaves of your plants. This may indicate an over concentration of salts in the roots from over feeding. It can burn the leaves.
  4. The remedy is to set the plant under a faucet of water and let the water run through for 10 minutes or so. Allow the pot to Completely drain. Discontinue fertilizer until the plant recovers.


  1. Keep Arrowhead plants at a low of 65 Degrees F. to upward of 85 Degrees F. It enjoys warmth and humidity.

Pruning and Training:

  1. Pruning will give you a fuller plant with more even growth. Unpruned arrowhead vines will trail 4 to 6 feet.
  2. Sharp Hand pruners are preferred for pruning. They will give a clean cut that will heal quickly.
  3. arrowheads will naturally trail. They make good hanging baskets or they will happily trail off shelves. For even growth turn hanging pot every time you water.


  1. It’s easy to prune and shape these plants to whatever length and fullness you desire.
  2. NOTE: When you prune this vine cut in between the nodes. The new growth will grow only from the nodes.
  3. As a table top plant cut the trailers back evenly all around the pot. If you want the pot fuller, add more starts.
  4. Arrowhead plants partner well with other plants for group plantings in one pot.
  5. For hanging baskets make sure the growth is even by turning the plant basket when you water toward the light.
  6. These plants will enjoy growing on a Moss Pole.
  7. They also train well onto a trellis.


  1. These plants are not fussy and resist pests. However all plants can get attacked by pests.
  2. Stress by longterm poor watering practices, poor light, extreme temperatures and soil conditions are contributors to pests.
  3. Spider mites, mealy bugs, scale, thrips and whitefly are the most common houseplant pests you will see.
  4. Read our post on How to get rid of aphids and other pests with our homemade pesticide soap recipe or neems oil.spraying Pothos with DIY Pesticide soap
  5. To minimize the possibility of pests be sure to check all nursery plants before bringing them home.
  6. Quarantine all new plants until you are sure no pests live in them.

How to Propagate:

  1. Propagation is easily done through leaf node stem cuttings.
  2. You need a 3 to 6 inch leaf stem with a couple of nodes and healthy growth.Pearls and Jade Pothos node Cut BETWEEN the nodes.
  3. Place the node into a jar with water. Use tap water that has settled 24 hours in the jar to dissipate chemicals harmful to the Pothos.
  4. Set the jar in a well lit area.
  5. After several weeks roots will grow. Allow the roots to get an inch or more in length.
  6. Plant gently and firmly into pot with proper soil mix.
  7. Make sure to keep the soil moist until the roots begin to set into the soil.


watch our video below for more on pothos propagation. Arrowhead propagation is done with these same methods.

all about the versatile arrowhead plant-pin image
Arrowhead plants (Syngonium Podophyllum) are an aroid native to central and South America. This vine, like so many other tropical aroids, is an easy care epiphyte. As a houseplant, It does well in group plantings. It also thrives as a hanging basket, table top plant, or trained up a moss pole or trellis.

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Saturday 6th of January 2024

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