We have compiled a list of our favorite plants for beginner plant parents. With the right care there are quite a few plants that make great options for beginners.
While it may be tempting to grab one of the many beautiful Calatheas, the gorgeous Orchids, or a Fiddle Leaf Fig from the plant shop…Experienced plant people will readily warn you away from these finicky plants.
However, There are lots of really great options at the plant nursery that make wonderful easy to care for beginner plants.
I have a list of beginner plants that I work from when I’m giving plants to my friends that are curious about the world of houseplants. I’m very careful about the plants that I give. I want new plant owners to be successful and learn to love plants as much as I do!

Best plants for beginner plant parents
These easy to care for plants will set any new plant parent up for success!
The name comes from the hardy constitution of this plant, it’s notoriously hard to kill and incredibly easy to care for. It is able to grow in lower light conditions and is drought resistant. It is the perfect plant for beginners or busy individuals.
Peace lilies are easy to care for houseplants that work well for beginners. (fun fact, my first houseplant was a Peace Lily that I still own today!) They can survive in lower light conditions, and will have droopy leaves when they need water.
The golden pothos is probably the most popular houseplant. It is very versatile and grows in a number of lighting conditions. It will survive just fine in low light, and also grow fast in bright indirect light. It can handle a fair amount of neglect and can grow just fine without much intervention.
The care for a Philodendron closely resembles the care for a Pothos. This is a vining plant that will trail or climb up a moss pole. This plant can handle lower light (although it may lose variegation) or brighter indirect light. Water this plant when the soil is dry 2 inches down.
One of my favorite beginner plants! The snake plants are incredibly drought resistant (able to handle a month without water!) This plant would work really well for the frequent traveler, or absent minded plant parent. If you neglect this plant it will be even happier. Water sparingly and keep it in any lighting conditions. Bonus, it's a fantastic air filtering plant.
A top beginner plant the ZZ plant is not only beautiful, it is also very drought resistant. This plant is great for offices and busy people that forget to water plants. The Rhizome structure at the base of the plant will hold extra water giving you a bit of breathing room in the watering schedule.
This one is hard to kill (trust me I've tried) Keep it in bright indirect light and it will quickly grow and trail into a beautiful plant. It's also one one of the easiest plants to propagate.
The Jade plant is not only a favorite for beginners, it is also a traditional housewarming gift. It was thought to bring good luck and fortune to a home. This plant is drought resistant and will be happiest in a bright spot with indirect light.
The neon pothos is an attractive and easy plant. The bright neon leaves add happiness and color into any room of the home. This attractive plant will be happy in a lower light environment or in bright indirect light.
This plant is also known as a "mini monstera" the Raphidophora Tetrasperma is a vining plant with fenestrated leaves. Give it a moss pole to climb on and it will happily grow away! This plant is happiest in evenly moist soil with a good amount of humidity.
We have a list of best low light indoor plants if you have a dark spot that needs some living green. Many of them are good beginner plants too!
Beginner plants parent tips:
- Always check the leaves of your new plant for pests.
- Look underneath the leaves for signs of pest damage and habitats.
- Isolate new houseplants from others for a month.
- Spritz the new plant with a neem oil blend to get rid of any lingering pests.
- Make sure you are potting your new plant in a pot with a drainage hole.
- Look up the type of potting medium your new plant needs before potting (perlite, orchid bark, moss etc).
- Educate yourself on the lighting that will best suite the houseplant.

The biggest mistake new plant parents make is overwatering. Most houseplants will be happier being under-watered than overwatered. This is especially true of the string of hearts plant and other succulents.
If you overwater your houseplant it can cause root rot which is very difficult for the plant to survive and come back from. Yellowing leaves are generally the first sign of overwatering. If you tend to overwater put yourself on a watering schedule and buy a moisture meter like this one. Your plants will thank you!
Houseplants are not only an enjoyable hobby to get into, they can also improve the overall health of your home. Plants like the neon pothos, jade plant and of course the snake plant have great air filtering abilities and will often remove toxins from the air and replace it with pure oxygen. Nasa did a study on the air filtering qualities of plants, this is a comprehensive list of the best air filtering plants.
If you run into problems with you new plant, you can always reach out to us or follow us on our social media where we answer plant questions.
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