The Sansevieria Cylindrica plant is a plant with long cylindrical shaped leaves that have green and gray colors.
This plant is a succulent that is often called the African Spear Plant or Cylindrical Snake Plant. The Cylindrica can be found in the tropical regions of South Africa.
Like most snake plants and succulents, the Sansevieria Cylindrica is a relatively easy plant to take care of that thrives on infrequent watering.
This plant grows with a Rhizome structure at its base that holds lots of water. The cylindrical leaves themselves also hold water and help the plant survive periods of extreme drought.

This plant is a slow growing plant. It tolerates root bound conditions. It makes a great plant for an office, or for someone that is away from home for extended periods of time. Put it in an area where it has bright indirect light and it will happily grow with little extra care.
Why Are Sansevieria Cylindrica braided?
Sansevieria Cylindrica is often sold as a braided plant. In outdoor landscaping it is common to see this plant in a grouping of braided plants. The braiding of the leaves is purely personal preference.
Some people prefer to have a braided plant. If you want to unbraid the leaves, you can gently untangle the tie at the top and unbraid the leaves. Braiding will often leave permanent marks on the plant leaves that will not go away.

Painted tips on Sansevieria Cylindrica plants
Painted Snake plants is a controversial topic in the plant community. Some stores actually paint succulents or even glue on flowers on cacti plants. The big box stores are often guilty of painting plants to try and make them more attractive for home decor.
The sansevieria cylindrica sometimes comes with colorful painted tips. This doesn’t harm the plant. However, the plant does not photosynthesize through paint. For optimal plant health and growth, we would not recommend a painted Sansevieria plant.

Sansevieria Care Problems:
Common problems with this plant are yellowing leaves or skinny and leggy new growth. If your plant has Yellowing leaves look to watering methods.
Read Our Snake Plant Watering Guide For help with Snake Plant Watering
Or you may have an incorrect soil mix for snake plants. We teach you how to make a proper snake plant soil mix in this post.
This plant is incredibly drought resistant. Root rot is the number one killer of snake plants and succulents. People unintentionally kill these plants with kindness by watering them way too much. This leaves the plants prone to root rot.
Only water your plant when the soil is completely dry. Make sure it is in a pot with a drainage hole and planted in an appropriate potting medium.
Skinny and leggy new growth is most often a lighting issue. Snake plants are touted as low light plants. It is true.
A snake plant can survive very low light conditions. However, Although your plant may survive, it will not thrive in very low light.
Snake plants produce leggy new growth if not kept in medium to bright indirect light. If you find your plant putting out skinny new growth, try moving it to a brighter area.

The Sansevieria cylindrical is not a rare plant. But it can be difficult to find in stores or nurseries. If you are having trouble locating it, you can purchase this plant online. I like to purchase my plants online from small plant growers on Etsy.
Click here to purchase the Sansevieria Cylindrica on Etsy

We have compiled a list of all the top care tips we have for this plant. This care guide is printable if you want to save it for later.
Printable Care Guide:
Sansevieria Cylindrica

Sansevieria Cylindrica plant is commonly known as the African Spear Plant.
The Sansevieria Cylindrica plant is a plant with long cylindrical shaped leaves that have green and gray colors. This plant is an easy to care for plant that can survive in lower light levels and infrequent watering.
This Care Guide will teach you how to keep this houseplant happy all through the year.
- Pot (ceramic, plastic, or terra cotta)
- Potting medium (perlite, soil, and orchid bark)
- Scissors
- Rubbing Alcohol
Soil Preference:
- Sansevieria plants prefer well draining soil. The roots will rot quickly if they sit in moist soil.
- A mix of potting soil, perlite and orchid bark will keep the roots happiest.
- Make sure your pot has drainage at the bottom. Do not use a pot with no drainage hole for this plant.
- A heavy soil potting mix is not recommended for snake plants.
Pot Size and Type:
- The Sansevieria plant can grow in many different kinds of pots, I like to plant mine in ceramic pots with a drainage hole.
- Repot every second year or when roots come out the drainage holes on the pot bottom To the next pot size up. Don't jump to a huge pot from a small one. Just go to the next size up pot.
- The Cylindrica plant will grow faster in bright indirect light. It will also grow just fine in lower light conditions, but the growth will be slower.
- Some filtered sunlight from a window may be appreciated in this circumstance.
- Make sure the snake plant isnt sitting in constant direct sunlight, the leaves can get burnt.
- If your plant is becoming leggy or skinny, it needs brighter light.
- Water your snake plant when the soil is dry at least 3 inches down. These plants are typically drought resistant and can withstand longer periods of dryness compared to other houseplants.
- Watering is best done on a regular schedule so the plant is not over or under watered. Both can cause stress on the plant.
- The recommendation for watering is every 2-8 weeks.
- In dormant winter months reduce watering to when the soil is dry.
- Never let this plant get wet feet. Overwatering can cause root rot and attract fungus gnats to your plant.
How to Fertilize:
- Apply a good quality fertilizer (linked in materials) monthly through Spring and summer.
- Decrease feedings by late Fall and allow the Snake plant to rest through the winter months.
- This plant will do best in temperatures between 55-85 degrees F.
- This plant is a hardy resilient plant. However all plants can get attacked by pests.
- Stress by longterm overwatering, poor light, extreme temperatures and soil conditions are contributors to plant stress..
- Spider mites, mealy bugs, scale, thrips and whitefly are the most common houseplant pests you will see.
- Read our post on How to get rid of aphids and other pests with our homemade pesticide soap recipe or neems oil.
- To minimize the possibility of pests be sure to check all nursery plants before bringing them home.
- Quarantine all new plants until you are sure no pests live in them.
How to Propagate:
- Propagate through rhizome division
- Unpot the mother plant
- Use a clean sterile knife to slice and divide the rhizome
- Allow rhizome to callous over
- Plant in moist soil and place in bright indirect light
The Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant is a rewarding and perfect plant for a beginner. This plant will grow tall and beautiful with just a little bit of care.
More Beautiful Succulents:

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