Studies have shown that plants can significantly help reduce stress and anxiety

Working with plants (touching, repotting etc) can help reduce psychological stress

Houseplants have been shown to help reduce both depression and loneliness The act of nurturing and caring for something has been proven to increase mental health

Researchers found that houseplants can remove dust and mold from the air around them

The best kind of plants for this type of benefit are ones with large leaf surface areas, or leaves that are very textured and curly

Houseplants do filter the air and exhale fresh oxygen into the air

Some studies indicate plants help with improved sleep and less restlessness at night

Plants can help reduce background noise and reduce the room sound by 5 decibels While houseplants with smaller leaves were better at scattering sound and reducing the overall noise

A study showed that simply being around plants increased memory retention by 20% This benefit has been noticed in both children and adults

Another study showed that employees that were in environments where plants or flowers were present had increased problem solving skills, and showed improvement in the ability to generate fresh ideas and creativity