Adding hydrogen peroxide to water promotes better growth in plants and boosts roots ability to absorb nutrients from the soil

Diluted 3% peroxide adds needed aeration to the soil of plants and helps control fungus in the soil

For misting indoor plants mix 1 tsp 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1 cup of water This improves aeration to your plant and deters fungus on leaves and soil

It is safe to pour as a drench around your plant roots to sanitize the soil of fungus and other pathogens Pour the solution into the plant pot around the roots and let the pot sit overnight to drain

Mix 1 pint Hydrogen peroxide to 1 gallon of water

Mix 1.5 Tablespoons baking soda and 1.5 Tablespoons 3% peroxide with 2.5 gallons of water for a powerful anti fungal solution that can be sprayed directly on the plant leaves

This is helpful in getting rid of powdery mildew and other leaf spot diseases

Drench soil with 1 part 3% peroxide/ two parts water to kill off the bacteria causing the rot in your soil Let the plant drain completely

This will also help immediately deliver much needed oxygen to the plant roots and kill off bad bacteria in the decaying roots