Repotting offers roots fresh nutrients, good drainage, better oxygenation, and more room to grow

It is important to repot your plant when it needs a larger, well drained pot with fresh soil to keep it thriving and healthy or address problems with the plant

Look for signs of plant stress. A stressed, constantly dry, or stunted plant probably needs a repot As a rule of thumb, plan to repot your plants every year or two

What supplies do you need when repotting a plant?

Read our full post for an in depth tutorial and supply list A general list of tools and supplies includes -A new pot or container -New soil -Soil amenities -Mixing trays -Gloves -Water

Select the correct pot for your plant with good drainage holes, and one that fits the plants roots Always go 1 size larger than the current pot your plant is living in

Remove the plant from the old pot and inspect it. Correct any problems or disease the plant or roots have before repotting Put drain rock in the bottom of the new pot as desired for better drainage or to fill a pot that is too deep

Place new soil mix in a layer over the drain rock about one third up the pot Gently place the prepared plant into the fresh soil mix

Arrange more potting soil around the roots. Be sure to fill in the root area well and leave no large air gaps Fill the pot to the soil line on your plant. Some plants like the crown of the plant covered and others do not

Water the soil and press the plant gently into the pot to anchor it and eliminate large air pockets Add more soil as necessary to fill the pot as needed