The Hens and Chicks Plant is an adorable evergreen flowering succulent Other colorful terms for it are St. George’s Beard, St. Patrick’s Cabbage, and healing blade

Hens and chicks succulents make wonderful rock garden additions They do well in dry outdoor gardens with full sun for 6 to 8 hours a day

Hens and chick will survive in very dry high heat locations, but they are native to the mountains of Southern Europe Since these plants can survive cold, even somewhat wet weather, they also do well in temperate climate zones outdoors

For growing outdoors, place your hens and chicks plant where it can spread into a ground cover for best effect

Hens and Chick can be planted in any pot that drains well Terra cotta pots are excellent for this succulent since it wicks water away from the plant roots

Window boxes, brick planter boxes by an outdoor porch or any low patio pot are great choices They group well with other heat loving plants

This succulent LOVES light and requires it

It is one of the few houseplants that does best in strong, direct light from a south or west facing window

Hens and Chicks plants prefer a well draining cactus soil mix

A mix of cactus potting mix, sand and perlite will keep the roots happiest

Repot every second year or when roots come out the drainage holes on the pot bottom Shallow rectangular or round pots are perfect for hens and chicks since this plant crawls and drapes over planter edges

Water these succulent plants when the soil is dry They are drought resistant and can withstand long periods of dryness

These plants will do best in temperatures between 30-85 degrees F. For this reason they can grow outdoors in climate zones 10a to 11b

Hens and Chicks can be propagated by stem cuttings, and offshoots from the mature plant Repot in a new pot with cactus soil

The Hens and Chicks Plant is a perfect plant for a beginner succulent parent This plant will grow beautifully with just a little bit of care