What kind of light does the Birkin need?

The Philodendron Birkin variegation is light sensitive. For the best color set the Birkin in bright indirect light.

How often do I need to water my Birkin?

Water the Birkin Philodendron when the soil is dry down to the root zone, about two inches into the soil. A light moisture level is all the roots can tolerate.

The Philodendron Birkin needs humidity

The Birkin enjoys a humid environment with air humidity levels of 40% or more.

How big will my Philodendron Birkin get?

The Philodendron birkin grows as an upright bush to about three feet tall as a mature plant. The Birkin is not a climbing vine like other philodendrons and requires no stake or pruning.

Can you propagate a Philodendron Birkin?

You can propagate a Birkin three ways. Stem cuttings, root division and air layering.

What type of soil does the Birkin need?

Aroids like the Birkin require a light soil mix. We use 2 parts soil mix to one part perlite and one part orchid bark.